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Reporting-Only Package


When is the Reporting-Only Package a Good Fit?

If you answer "Yes" to most of the following situations, the Reporting-Only Option may be a good fit for you:

~You are not self employed.

~Most of your income is reported on a W2 from your employer.

~You do not wish to start or join a business soon.

~You do not own (or are a partner in) multiple real estate holdings.

~All your income is earned inside the US.

~You don’t want/need expert advice to manage your tax liabilities.

~You don’t want/need a partner to help you reach your goals faster.


How It Works

~You invest a simple flat fee each year to "report" to the IRS and State (if applicable) what has already happened.

~We speak once a year after your returns are prepared to ensure accuracy for compliance.

~We can only affect your outcomes in limited ways because the year has already passed when we file your return.

~In this option, you are billed separately for help with things outside of your tax return.



Our pricing is simple and designed to align with your needs


Reporting-Only Pricing Options*

Individuals: $300 - $900+ per year

Businesses: $600 - $3,000+ per year


*The numbers above are averages - your exact investment could be more or less, based on the complexity of your needs and the number of services required (taxes, accounting, payroll, IRS help, etc).

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