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Year-Round Planning Package


When is the Year-Round Planning Package a Good Fit?

If you answer "Yes" to ANY of the following situations, the Year-Round Planning Option may be a good fit for you:

~You are currently self-employed

~You want to start or partner in a business soon

~You own (or are a partner in) multiple real estate holdings

~You value expert advice to help with tax management and planning is key to your business

~You want a partner to help you reach your goals faster


How It Works

~You invest a quarterly fee, and we allocate dedicated resources to provide strategic planning. Your "reporting" to the IRS and State (if applicable) becomes automated.

~We meet regularly, year-round, to ensure you are paying the absolute least amount of tax possible.

~We create an action plan to increase your personal and/pr business cash flow so you can rest easy knowing your cash is optimized.

~We help you intelligently grow your personal and/or business balance sheet so you are as prepared for the future as you can be.

~We provide for monthly accounting reconciliation for you to keep track of your cash flow as well as making informed decisions that impact your business. 



Our pricing is simple and designed to align with your needs


Year-Round Planning + Reporting Pricing Options*

Individuals: $600 - $1500+

Businesses: $1500 - $3500+


*The numbers above are averages - your exact investment could be more or less, based on the complexity of your needs and the number of services required (taxes, accounting, payroll, IRS help, etc.).

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