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Allocation of Purchase Price

Business owners buy and sell assets used in their business every year. There are many rules associated with each side of the transaction. However, a thorough review of what kind of assets purchased can be advantageous.

Code Section 1061 requires purchasers to allocate the purchase price to assets in a given manner. The IRS historically has accepted a calculation of an allocated purchase price when the buyer and seller agree to an allocation.

The following list represents topics that would be to your advantage to review with your tax consultant.

1. Were the assets purchased, inherited, or gifted? All three have different outcomes.

2. With a large purchase price, are there different categories involved?

3. Is there a need for cost segregation analysis to be performed?

4. For a farm purchase: is there any of the following part of the purchase?

Drainage tile


Growing crops,

Residual fertilizer

Water rights


When purchasing business assets, buyers need to be aware of items to address with their tax consultant to ensure they are receiving the most beneficial treatment as possible.

One of our core values here at Schaffner Tax Solutions LLC is to ensure every taxpayer is educated whether you are a client or not. This is not intended to replace a thorough discussion with your tax consultant. We want to equip you with questions to dig deeper and gain understanding.

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